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Angel Booster Bash

Joss Whedon & I

I did not take this photo & do not own it. It is property of Booster Events.

Alexis Denisof & I. Yes I know his head is missing, but you can take my word for it.

Alexis Denisof & Dennis Christopher

     Let me give you the lowdown on my banquet experience. I was all dressed & ready to go when I couldn't find a banquet ticket to get in with. I guess I was never issued one & since I had all of my other tickets. I didn't know it was missing. So then I tore my suitcase apart looking for my paypal receipt. Of course I didn't have it. I had just purchased the banquet ticket a few days before I left (not when I purchased all of my other tickets) which is probably why it wasn't in my packet & why I didn't remember to bring it. I guessed that it must have been laying on top of my printer at home.
     Not knowing what else to do I went looking for someone in charge to help me. Of course the guy who was manning the doors all weekend told me pretty much what I expected. Since I didn't have my paypal receipt I'd have to go up to the lobby & see if I could get on their computer & print out a receipt to be admitted. I was already running 20 minutes late when I left the hotel room & I was thinking that this would probably eat up a lot more time, but what else could I do. So Vicki asks him what's going on. He says "This girl says she bought a ticket, but doesn't have one." So Vicki says "What's her name." Once she hears my name she says that she knows I bought a ticket & that I can just go up to the banquet with her.
     So I peek into the room to see who's in there & to my astonisment it's Joss Whedon & Alexis Denisof. At the same time I peek in, they peek out to see who's in the hallway. Then something really cool happens. Vicki tells me to go up with her & guess who she's taking up? Yes, Joss Whedon & Alexis Denisof. So then I get to walk through the hotel & ride up on the elevator with both of them. It was so cool. They were having a conversation about something, but I think there was buzzing in my ears or something, because I have no idea what they said.
     Once we arrived at the banquet she told them to give me a wristband & let me in. Once I got inside I started looking for somewhere to sit. At first I didn't see any empty seats. Then I luckily found one at James Leary's table. I was really excited about knowing that Joss was coming when no one else did. I wanted to tell someone, but I didn't want to ruin the surprise. A quick glance around my table showed that pretty much everyone was already drunk. So I did it in a riddle. "Guess who's here? The person everyone refers to as god." I was thinking about how the ABB tees say "In Joss We Trust" on the back. So all of the women just look at each other with dazed faces. Pretty much the only cognizant person at the time was James Leary. He said lowly to just me "Joss is here?". I said yes & he jokingly called me a liar. When they announced Joss, Leary smiled & said "you were telling the truth" & then "maybe I'll go hit him up for some work".
     Later when Alexis didn't have a ton of people around him & I went up to talk to him. I had no idea what to say. It seems like that happens when I meet a lot of these people & I end up talking nonsense about myself. I mentioned that I must have looked like a fool earlier & he said "I assumed you were coming to this". So I guess he didn't know I had a problem. Later I had Dylan take my pic with him. I totally hugged Alexis. It's probably better that his head's cut off in the pic since he probably looked really frightened.
     When I met Joss Whedon I said the same idiotic thing about looking like a fool. He said "Not at all. I thought you did it with aplomb." (aplomb - poise, confidence, just in case you'd have to look it up like a did. I've read a lot in my life but for some reason I couldn't remember the meaning of that word.) I did know that it was a compliment though. I had Dylan take my pic with Joss. A couple of months later I bought the ABB official cd & there was a pic of Joss & I on there too, which I was really excited about.

The 2nd, clearer photo of Joss Whedon & I was not taken by me or with my camera. It is property of Booster Events. Their awesome photographers for the event were Froggy & RavenU.